Pendragon's Heir, by Suzannah Rowntree
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Pendragon's Heir, by Suzannah Rowntree

Best Ebook Online Pendragon's Heir, by Suzannah Rowntree
Blanche Pendragon enjoys her undemanding life as the ward of an eccentric nobleman in 1900 England. It's been years since she even wondered what happened to her long lost parents, but then a gift on the night of her eighteenth birthday reveals a heritage more dangerous and awe-inspiring than she ever dreamed of--or wanted. Soon Blanche is flung into a world of wayfaring immortals, daring knights, and deadly combats, with a murderous witch-queen on her trail and the future of a kingdom at stake. As the legendary King Arthur Pendragon and his warriors face enemies without and treachery within, Blanche discovers a secret that could destroy the whole realm of Logres. Even if the kingdom could be saved, is she the one to do it? Or is someone else the Pendragon's Heir?
Pendragon's Heir, by Suzannah Rowntree - Amazon Sales Rank: #1053655 in Books
- Published on: 2015-03-25
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .96" w x 6.00" l, 1.24 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 422 pages
Pendragon's Heir, by Suzannah Rowntree
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Legends and lyricism, characterization and time-traveling-ish fun By Jamie Wheeler Wow. Just ... wow. I just finished reading _Pendragon's Heir_, and I did not think any author now alive could move me so deeply.As a child, I was never very interested in the Arthurian legends -- partly because I never got my hands on a good retelling, partly because I spent a good deal of energy avoiding bad 'princess books,' but partly -- especially as I grew older and did read some about it -- because I never was very comfortable with the Guinevere/Lancelot storyline. And not just out of prudery; I didn't find it imaginatively satisfying. I understand the cultural phenomenon of courtly love, but I suppose I never wanted the Matter of Britain to involve a courtly-love story. It always seemed as though the legends were trying to say something else....This was it. This was the story they were trying to tell. It is not every book that is imaginatively satisfying, but Pendragon's Heir, for me, is one of them. And without being at all an imitation either of Lewis or of Tolkien, it reminded me in some ways of both of them. Like Lewis' work, it gives a glimpse as through a door of something we desire but cannot reach on earth (indeed, this is one of its themes); like Tolkien's, it moves effortlessly from the world of the Sackville-Bagginses or Kitty Walker to the world of Aragorn or Arthur, without ever striking a false note. And all this from a woman's perspective, which was never the strong point of either of the Inklings I've mentioned.I read this book slowly on purpose, and I still wish it were longer. Except if it were longer, I would not yet know how beautiful the ending is.Other things I enjoyed about this book included the Latin dedication, the epigraphs, and the illustrations. And how could I have gone this long without mentioning Perceval? He is a delightful character -- throughout the book, but perhaps my favorite scene at the dinner party. (Read the book to find what I'm referring to!) I was interested to meet him after reading some of the author's blog posts (check her out at, and I was not disappointed!
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. This, My Friends, Is A Great Book By Holly Do you know what the mark of a really great book is? It’s when you literally squeal as you are reading because it is so exciting... but it’s not just that. It’s when you have that great feeling of sheer bliss because of the happy ending when you put it down... but not just that either. Even more than the experience of reading it, the mark of a great book is when you put it back on the shelf and go on with your life, only to realize that the book molded you into a different person; a person stronger in your faith and more resolute to serve God, no matter what the cost. That, my friends, is a great book. And now, I have the privilege of introducing you to one such book.The Story Pendragon’s Heir by Australian author, Suzannah Rowntree, is set in the midst of Arthurian legend, pulling characters like King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, and Sir Percival from their dusty but exciting pages. Blanche Pendragon, the heroine, enjoys her undemanding life as the ward of an eccentric nobleman in 1900 England. It's been years since she wondered what happened to her long lost parents, but then a gift on the night of her eighteenth birthday reveals a heritage more dangerous and awe-inspiring than she ever dreamed of— or wanted. Soon Blanche is flung into a world of wayfaring immortals, daring knights, and deadly combats, with a murderous witch-queen on her trail and the future of a kingdom at stake. As the legendary King Arthur Pendragon and his warriors face enemies without and treachery within, Blanche discovers a secret that could destroy the whole realm of Logres. Even if the kingdom could be saved, is she the one to do it? Or is someone else the Pendragon's Heir?Why I Loved Pendragon’s Heir I was actually surprised by how much I loved Pendragon’s Heir. It’s hard to get this non-fiction reader to enjoy a fictional book these days, however, this was an engaging exception. I literally had to force myself to put the book down, and ended up reading the entire thing in two days! I haven’t done that since I was 11 years old when reading C.S. Lewis’ The Horse and His Boy. As much as I enjoyed reading the book, I had no idea that it had impacted me so deeply until a week later when I realized that it had ignited a spark inside me- a spark of absolute resolve to follow my King, no matter how hard life gets or what sacrifices I have to make. One thing I specifically appreciated was the tone of the book. I grew up devouring The Chronicles of Narnia, and have always loved the way they inspired me to nobility. Pendragon’s Heir had that same spirit, but I was challenged by how the plot just kept getting worse and worse! Because it dealt so well with trials and hardship, and being faced with giving up everything for what you know is right, it impacted me in a way no other fictional book has. I usually only get that conviction and challenge from reading non-fiction. I would describe it as a mature Narnia, which I thoroughly appreciated. There was one part particularly, where the heroine faced utter loss if she did what was right. I thought I knew how the scene would end, but it turned out quite differently than I expected, and was nothing short of spiritually inspiring. Last but not least, my very favorite aspect was Sarras (the fictional equivalent of the new heavens and the new earth), and how Suzannah tied in themes from Augustine’s The City of God.Audience "The book avoids moral compromise... but that doesn't prevent Suzannah from tackling adult issues in a mature manner. Adultery, betrayal, and illegitimacy are all themes she addresses, especially with the Lancelot and Guinevere plot. Witchcraft and the limits of its ability is another significant theme in the story. If you're comfortable with Lewis and Tolkien, or Arthurian legends themselves for that matter, you should be fine with Pendragon's Heir.”[1] I was really pleased with how these themes were resolved in the end, but parents are encouraged to review the book for suitability for younger ages as some mature themes are raised.Conclusion Now, months later, I still find myself thinking about Logres and Sarras, and the angst I experienced as I wrestled with the hardships and sacrifies that the characters were facing. I asked myself while reading, “Would I make the same choice? Is it worth it?” I came away with a solemn “Yes.” stamped indelibly on my mind. I couldn’t wait to read the book to my siblings, so we are about halfway through, reading a couple of chapters every week during our “tower time” (our sibling party night, up in my attic bedroom). They are on the edges of their seats to see how things end! I pray it will strengthen and inspire them as much as it did me. Thank you, Suzannah, for writing such an encouraging book. I am stirred to get out and give my all for the kingdom of God- no matter what the cost.Read the Author Interview on my blog here:
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Fresh Re-telling of a Beloved Legend By Lady Bibliophile The hardest part of reviewing a book that you love is finding words eloquent enough to express how much you enjoyed it. I've definitely faced this with Pendragon's Heir, a novel about the quest for the Holy Grail from the perspective of Arthur's daughter.Perhaps I should give a full disclosure at the beginning and say I was a beta reader for this book for the last couple of drafts. That being the case, I have some amount of natural bias, but I'm committed to an honest review in spite of that.I knew absolutely nothing about Arthurian legend when she sent it to me, except vague ideas of the Round Table and Lancelot and Guinevere; so I got to read about Arthur and Pendragon's Heir with fresh eyes. That was a magical experience. Reading this latest draft was only a further pleasure. The plotting is impeccable, and the author gets things done without an ounce of excess. It takes a lot of effort to write like that. I've been trying to figure out how to describe Suzannah's writing, and while I haven't hit on a perfect comparison, it reminds me in many ways of a Howard Pyle or Roger Lancelyn Green story: it isn't told cinematically, as so many modern books are, but in the good, old-fashioned narration of books before televisions were invented.Pendragon's Heir's main conflict is of imperfect men striving to build the perfect kingdom of God on earth. It's also a conflict between two potentially illegitimate heirs of Arthur, and which one the kingdom rightfully belongs to. Furthermore, the Round Table seems to be crumbling with corruption from the inside, and Blanche and her knight Perceval wrestle with the question: can the City of God be built by imperfect people?Suzannah's handling of Lancelot and Guinevere's story was fresh and brilliant, with some surprising twists. Also, shall we say, more redemptive? Instead of just setting out the facts, she explores the moral implications afterwards, and I like a book like that.This book avoids moral compromise and unwanted bits without being shallow. You won't find language or explicit sex, but that doesn't prevent Suzannah from tackling adult issues in a mature, professional manner. Adultery, betrayal, illegitimacy, and even lust are all themes she addresses, especially with the Lancelot and Guinevere plot. Witchcraft and the limits of its ability is another significant theme in the story. I'll admit that this last-mentioned challenged and worried me sometimes, but it served to deepen my perspective on biblical portrayals of good and evil. If you're comfortable with Lewis and Tolkien, or Arthurian legends themselves for that matter, you should be fine with Pendragon's Heir.Ok. Now for the characters.Blanchefleur herself strikes the happy balance of a character who has a lot to learn, but who doesn't make herself unlikable while doing it. The way she learned to embrace her role as protector of the Holy Grail, while at the same time never quite losing her yearning for gaslight and tea, made her a sympathetic protagonist.Dare I say how awesome her knight, Perceval, is? I tried to express my liking for him once, in compatibility with my role of encouraging beta reader, but was promptly told by the author not to lose myself to dangerous fantasies: I don't know whether to feel bad or not. I mean, are you sure your appreciation of Perceval isn't becoming a mite unhealthy? I think...I think you may even love him more than I do at this point, which is...weird.One can only try. So I'll just content myself with saying he's far from perfect, just like Blanche, but I appreciated his ebullient view of life and steadfast commitment to the City of Logres.Other gallant knights I enjoyed making the acquaintance of were Gareth, Gaheris, and Gawain. A lot of the knights only had cameo scenes due to the fact that Blanchefleur doesn't get to meet many of them, but they all had a human touch and their personalities were clearly drawn. Nerys the fay, with eyes like unfathomable pools, Heilyn the faithful squire, and faithful old Sir Ector made for a wonderful supporting cast. But my favorite side character was definitely Branwan. Young and bubbly, she reminded me of a lot of dominion-minded young women who are true of heart, but find it hard to express just how deeply they think about things: Blanchefleur felt a quick rush of affection for her. When the world frowned, Branwen went on smiling. There was a heart of steel under all that froth and bubble.There were a couple of flaws here and there. The constant use of 'said' dialogue tags became a distraction. Galahad, a knight figured prominently in Part Two, had a peace with his parent's sins that I thought would have tied in significantly with Blanchefleur coming to peace with her own birth, but those particular character arcs never intersected. The conflict of Guinevere and Lancelot was put on hold for a long time in Part Two. On a couple of occasions the characters seemed to stuff natural feelings down in their pursuit for a perfect Logres. But the virtues of this book far, far outweigh the flaws.Sometimes the best thing about Pendragon's Heir was that I didn't know the end. I didn't know if Perceval lived or died. I didn't know if Blanchefleur was real. I didn't know what happened to Morgan, and I once wrote Suzannah and told her I thought there would be a huge battle coming eventually, but I had no concrete evidence to back it up. Early on in the book I looked up a couple of people on Wikipedia, but I quickly stopped when I realized it would spoil the plot. I'm so glad I didn't know, because I may be one of few who can read Pendragon's Heir without the prior knowledge of how the story ended in other editions of Arthurian legend.There are many things I want to say and can't. We'll have to create a Pendragon's Heir Fan Club or something, where those who read it can talk about the spoiler-y bits. It's a book that's thoroughly Arthurian, and yet eminently applicable to life today.The most fitting way I can think of to end this review is a verse from the hymn that expresses so many themes of Pendragon's Heir: one church, one communion, one struggle, built on the one Cornerstone Jesus Christ:’Mid toil and tribulation,And tumult of her war,She waits the consummationOf peace forevermore;Till, with the vision glorious,Her longing eyes are blest,And the great Church victoriousShall be the Church at rest.Such was the dream of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table in Pendragon's Heir. I highly recommend it.
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Pendragon's Heir, by Suzannah Rowntree